VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick The Good and Bad

a review by ddrake1984 
(I reserve the right to edit my review at any time)


To begin my review, I want to take a few steps back and demonstrate who I am and where my requirements come from.
If you want to skip this, please go to Section 8.0 VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick Technical Review


I play many computer games, but more recently have taken a liking to Space Simulation in particular Elite Dangerous.
I started at first with a game pad, the Steam Controller, this was easy to learn and use, it was versatile and gave me freedom. the downside was it had no immersion and was not very accurate with a weapon that relied on fixed aiming.

Trial and Error

I researched into joysticks as I wanted to step up my game and become more with the game;
I ended up trialing my friends Logitech x52 Pro HOTAS setup in his Obutto sim pit.
This is what led me down a full HOTAS setup with sim pit as it was very immersive and just felt like a great experience.

Research into a high mid level joystick

I ended up purchasing my very first Joystick and Throttle; The Thrustmaster Warthog, after purchase but before delivery, I also purchased the Thrustmaster T.Flight Rudder Pedals as the Joystick does not have a Z axis (Twist to Yaw).
I researched into Sim Pits and decided on purchasing the Pagnian Racing Sim Pit as it was elegant in design / cheap / sturdy and had good reviews. 

Sudden Realisation

After playing Elite Dangerous and getting into a bit of Star Citizen and joining some of the best communities, I realised after discussions and asking the right questions, what I thought was high quality and end level equipment.
I ended up finding out that I was mistaken in my original research and I had indeed purchased mid level Joysticks and Sim Pit. 
As you can tell these range into a niche market and you need to dig deeper into the high quality professional level equipment. 

The Choices

This led me to deciding between the VKB or VPC joysticks, MFG Crosswinds or Slaw RX Vipers (pedals to come in another review) and a 3DOF or 4DOF motion sim pit (motion sim pit to come in another review).

The Purchase

I began hearing negativity towards the VKB joystick construction along with it's support team. 
I also wanted to move on from a HOTAS setup to a HOSAS setup.
This made my choice easier as VPC were the only company to offer a left handed stick option.
VPC also had a 20% off discount at the time of purchase, so it ended up deciding my choice.
Thank you for reading my past decision making choices and purchase, now I will go into a more detailed review.

The Delivery

During purchase, I had assistance with vpc_virpil on Reddit, (he was quick to respond and very helpful!)
After purchase, I received notification from Virpil when the joysticks were shipped (they were quick!)
After the notification, I received the joysticks shortly after (within a week!)

The Package (mighty big!)

Both joysticks and mounts came in 2 boxes taped together as a single package.
The warranty certificates placed on top neatly and looking very professional.
The joysticks were comfortable in the malti layered precision cut foram (SUPERB!).
The nuts/bolts/springs/cams were in their zip locked bags.

Section 10.0 The Technical Review

10.1 VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick Nuts and Bolts

I decided to modify the cam and spring based on feedback from an online friend, whom I regard very highly (you know who you are).
I found a really nice YouTube video from theNOOBIFIER1337 

I followed this guide to disassemble to give me access to the cam and springs.
The only issue I had was thread-locked screws, the screws were weak tin and subsequently the X head was bored out due to attempting to remove the screws from the cams. 
There was much sweat and tears, many F bombs dropped and every muscle and bone in my body was feeling the pain from attempting the removal of these screws. 
I ended up drilling out 2 of them because they were .. screwed.
I found a handy life hack that explained using a rubber band technique which helped with 1 of them.
I have since read reviews on reddit and the support staff have taken this critism on board and are rectifying the issue moving forward. (very professional!)

10.2 VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick Spring and Cams

there are 3 cams that come with the joysticks 

Virpil website here: https://virpil.com/en/blog/110-vpc-mongoost-50-new-cams-for-space-
I am currently using the 1-dot for my left stick and the 2-dot for my right stick, however I am contemplating 1-dot for the right stick.
The mechanics and cams are high quality machine cut to precision, everything about these joysticks screams quality and professional.

10.3 VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick Setup

I will not go into how I mounted the joysticks to the sim pit, however here is a closeup.

Section X.X VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick Axis Configuration
for my HOSAS setup, I have decied to run the following
LH Stick : Y axis (Forward/Backward) Down Thrust / Up Thrust
LH Stick : X axis (Left/Right) Thrust Left / Thrust Right
RH Stick : Y axis (Forward/Backward) Pitch Down / Pitch Up
RH Stick : X axis (Left/Right) Roll Left / Roll Right
Pedals X Axis (Left Toe Break) : Reverse Thrust
Pedals Y Axis (Right Toe Break) : Forward Thrust
** Joystick Gremlin has a merge axis for Pedals X and Y Axis **
Pedals Z Axis (Left/Right Forward Movement) : Yaw

10.4 VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick Software (Configurator Light)

DO THIS FIRST! - Read The Manual!
Manual for Software here: https://virpil.com/images/support/VPC-Configurator-Light---ENG.pdf
Calibration Software here: https://virpil.com/en/support/downloads
After a firmware and calibration (calibration after every spring tension adjustment or cam change is required!)

10.5 VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick Gremlin

I use Joystick Gremlin as my axis curve, macro binds and virtual joystick (vjoy) - I will not go into detail other thank linking it here: https://whitemagic.github.io/JoystickGremlin/ 
You will need to install vjoy as a pre-requisite and you will need to understand how to bind a virtual axis as well as understand the input repeater option, to get this to work for your games


I am still early days in playing with these dual joysticks, from a user perspective, they are more precise and feel far superior to any joystick I have used to this date.
I am still having slight calibration issues, however I am in talks with both Gremlin Developer and Virpil Support

More to Follow

I look forward to editing this review to fix any spelling errors and add more additional information as time progresses.
I also look forward to adding a review on my pedals (waiting for them to be built) and possibly new motion simulator (waiting to hear back from the design and build team regarding a few modifications).

ddrake1984 (aka CMDR ddrake1984)